
Showing posts from August, 2008

Are you cutting my grass?

Got my lawnmower out this weekend and helped dad cut the back lawn. Got it looking nice for Granny and Uncle Jonny coming on Thursday. Looking forward to going to the airport to pick them up. Mum and I had a practice run today when we went to pick up Nana and Papa from their plane back from America. After breakfast on Sunday mum attacked me and gave me a Noogie - so I was forced to Noogie her back.

Future Olympian

Poley (the polar bear) and I attended a teddy bears picnic this week and I took the opportunity to practise my skills for the 2012 London Olympics. Here I can be seen practising my Pole Vault and also sailing. There was very low cloud in Brisbane this week - couldn't see a thing! Me and mum practising the giant shot putt.

Olympic Games News Update

Hello. Time is flying by and its only two and a half weeks until Granny and Uncle Jonny get here. No real news from me - still tidying the garden and scrubing down the deck for their arrival. It is slowly starting to get warmer here in Oz - maybe the winter is coming to an end - although to be honest its not really been cold compared to winter in Inveresk last year, there's not even been a frost! I have been watching the olympics although slightly confused as to who I am meant to be cheering for, Mum says Australia whilst Dad says Britain so instead I have decided to cheer for Jamaica just to shut them both up! Here are some photos of me getting my hair washed at bathtime, eating pancakes whilst watching the olympics and some other general shot of me in the garden . NB. I need my hair cut again before granny gets here. Bye for now. Alastair Boo

What have I been up to this weekend

Hello, well another weekend is nearly over and its been another adventure. With only 4 proper weekends left until granny and jonny visit I got back out into the garden and did some more weeding. I also helped Dad scrub and hose the front and back decks (once we worked out which end of the hose the water comes out of - see photo). Now, some folk say men can't multi task but this photo proves otherwise. Here I am both eating and flapping my arms in time to the music on the radio (one might say I am almost dancing). On Sunday afternoon we took a trip to the seaside. Dad told me that when he was little he used to try to dig his way down to Australia from Arisaig beach so I thought I would try and dig my way up to Scotland. Mums helping me!