December is here
Hello, You will have to forgive me but for some reason the k key is not working on our computer - I have to use the copy and paste fuction write it twice here so if I mispell anything - thats the reason. So, its nearly christmas and we went into southbank on saturday night for a paddle in the pool and to see the tree in the city centre. We had a picnic at southbank too although it did threaten to rain. We also heard a really really loud band play (but only for a few minutes as it was too loud for me). We also went to see the decorations in the windows of Myers which is the big dept store here in Oz. So, here are some pics of all that. There is a particualrly awful one of daddy in front of the tree with his terrible glasses on! Speak soon. Boo PS - dont think I did too badly with my k's.