And the band played on....
Hi again. Another fun weekend has come and gone and we are counting dow the days until the plane takes off for Newcastle. This weekend we went to see a brass band play in a local park. I danced round and round Mummy and Daddy until they were nearly sick with dizziness. Pics attached. We also played a bit of tennis and daddy bought me my very first tennis raquet and says its the first step on my way to SW19, whatever that is? ( I tried to explain he was to become wimbledon champion, but he wasnt having any of it - Dad). We also watched the Finding Nemo movie which was brill - there is a pic of me falling asleep on the sofa with daddy whilst watching it. Mummy and daddy say if I am really good and really quiet I can watch movies all the way to Scotland on the plane - 26 hours -WOO-HOO! Back soon. Boo