Easter time
Hi yet again, It's been Easter time since we last spoke and we went over to Warwick for the weekend with my cousins Emily and Jamie. Once again I got my face painted - yes, again as Spiderman (its a slight obsession). We had easter egg hunts on Sunday and I managed to find 14 chocolate eggs in Nana and Papas garden which was pretty good as their garden is very big and there were lots of places for the easter bunny to hide them. We had a picnic down by the river too and we saw a big snake which tried to bite the dog we were looking after for the week (Bonnie - who belongs to Jason and Janelle). Luckily it missed her! Anyway, its now only 5 and a bit sleeps until we get on the big plane to Scotland - that is if the darned volcano in Iceland lets us into Europe. We stop for a night in Dubai this time which will hopefully help with the jetlag! Bye for now and see the scottish amongst you soon. Boo