Scotland Trip
Hello and greetings from Oz. Just back in the door at 1.30am this morning following our 3 week trip to Scotland. We managed to see most of the friends and relatives whilst there and its great to catch up with my cousins again. we were lucky to get there at all as a nasty volcano had closed all of the UK airports and they only re-opened about 48 hours before we left Brisbane. I spent a lot of time at grannies who spoilt me rotten by buying me all sorts of spiderman goodies. We also went up to see Jonny and Lisa for a few days up in the Highlands. Whilst there we went up a big mountain on a gondola to see some snow which was far cold for my liking so we went to the cafe on the hillside instead. On the gondola heading up the mountain (hat on, prepared for the cold) Mummy and I then went to Sweden for a couple of nights to see Stephen, Zeyno and my cousin Lara. We were very lucky to get back to Scotland as the volcano had closed all of the airports (again) and we were on the first flight ...