
Showing posts from November, 2010

update on us both

Hello everyone its Alastair here. I would like to introduce you to my little sister Gracie. She will be putting posts on this blog too. To keep things simple I will write in red whilst Gracie will be writing in Green. So Gracie, what you got to say .... Well, I am very very excited. Firstly about my first blogging experience and secondly because this week saw my first ever trip to the beach. We went to see Mummy's cousins family at Redcliffe on Saturday afternoon. As can be seen here they made us some cakes which apparently spell our names, which is pretty cool and I am told they were pretty tasty too, (I am still on the milk!). Yes Gracie, those cakes were mighty fine but have you any other news? Well yes I do, Daddy managed to catch a picture of me smiling -my first official smile ( gotta say it makes a changing from screaming ). Here also is a pic of me with my big brother. He is always wanting to pick me up and cuddle me, even at the most inappropriate times such as when I ...

Hello again

Hello everyone. As usual I must firstly apologize for the infrequency of my ramblings but this time there really has been a lot going on and I havent had a moment to get online. Granny is here at the moment (she leaves today!). She has been here for over 3 weeks which has been great. My little sister was born less than 2 weeks ago on the 21st october. We have called her Grace but she will probably be called Gracie (as thats far cooler). Anyway, not got time to go on and on I just thought you'd like to see the pics of me, granny and Gracie. Bye for now. Boo.