
Showing posts from 2011

meeting Scotland

Hi All, Daddy took me down to the Gold Coast yesterday to see the Scotland Rugby Team training before heading over to the World Cup in NZ next week. I got to meet all of the players, including some called Alastair. They all signed my rugby ball. Here is me with Chris Patterson, Scotland Legend! Here is me with Scotland Captain, Alastair Kellock. Here is me with Scrum Half, Mike Blair. And here is my ball. Bye for now. Boo

Allo again

Hello everyone. I know its been a while but I decided to have a 3 month sabatical from the blog and I now have so much to tell you that I am not really sure where to begin. Anyway, Gracie is now a GIANT and is crawling everywhere. She will soon be walking too. She recently banged her head and had to have it glued - we'll put a pic of this up here soon. We have just had a few days holiday up at Rainbow beach with all Mummy's side of the family whioch was great. Here's a pic with my cousins Kate and Lara. Dady says we might go back up To Rainbow beach in October when Granny comes over! Probably the most exciting news is the arrival of our first tomato. Mummy and I planted seeds a few months ago and today we spotted a bright red tomato. I am reliably informed it tasted pretty good too. Despite my love of tomato sauce and tomato soup I am not a fan of tomatoes. There are many more pics which I will also post soon and I will try to keep the posts fairly regular ...

Look at the chicks hanging out at our house.

Hello, Here is a quick update. We have some chicks hanging out at our place. They are only a week old and they are going to turn into big cheickens are supply us with eggs. One is called Moses and the other one is paw-paw. They sleep in a box in our house just now cause its cold and they are only small but they are going to get their own cage in the garden soon. Bye for now. Boo
Hello everyone, its Gracie here. I have to apologise for my lazy brother having not posted on here for ages. trust me I have been nagging him to do it but you know what they say....if you want something done, do it yourself. So Boo has started going to tennis lessons on a saturday morning. Daddy is hoping he will be wimbledon champion (I'm not sure what that means?) by the time he is 18. Alastair has also had a bit of a thing for building cubby houses recently. Here he is asleep in the one he made in his room. He's such a boy, anyone can see its really just a few sheets tied together. Wouldnt catch me doing that in my room, thats for sure. Mummy and Daddy started putting me in a bouncer thing recently. Its pretty good fun but I can only just touch the floor. Boo says he loved when he was little so I am willing to give it a go. Ok, thats it. I promise I will keep my brother on track in future and the posts will be more regular. Bye for now Gracie.

News of the day

Hello everyone. Once again its been about a month since I last gave you some chat so here y'are. The big news of the last month is that I managed to get a caterpillar to hatch into a butterfly in my bug catcher. This was a very very exciting moment and we allowed the butterfly to fly free into the garden. We still see it flying around and it always comes over to see hello. The butterfly in the bug catcher (just hatched). A closer look. It is Mummy's birthday today and Gracie turns 5 months old on Monday so everyones celebrating. We are off out for dinner tonight. Here's a pic of Mummy with Gracie taken today. For her birthday Mummy wanted a goldfish, so we got her 2 of them. I have decided to call them Nemo and Hamster. Daddy thinks they live in a giant brandy glass. Nemo (the orange one) and Hamster (the one with orange and black) Other news, my pic appeared in a film clip by a muscian called Iain Morrison from the Isle of Lewis. I am pictured at the top of Mt Gravatt hol...

No chat, just pics.


where did january go?

Hi There, I cant believe it is February already. What happened to january? I think it went down the Brisbane river with the rest of the city. Here are just a few pics to update you on what we've been up to: First here is a pic of all for 2011. This was taken on the camera timer so thats why Gracie is crying! Here is me at the top of Mt Gravatt at 6.15am overlooking Brisbane. I took my bugcatcher with me and caught some caterpillars. I started at my new Kindy a couple of weeks ago. here is me about to go on the first day. I love it there, so much more than nursery, which i only like cause david goes there. Here is the G-Girl looking cute. Here is a very big snake (must be around 5 ft long) we saw on the rocks near the river yesterday. It must have just eaten something big as its belly is bulging. SCARY! More pics to come. Its been very hot here recently so we've have been in the paddling pool a lot. Crazy weather in this country, floods, cyclones and heatwaves.....