
Showing posts from August, 2011

Allo again

Hello everyone. I know its been a while but I decided to have a 3 month sabatical from the blog and I now have so much to tell you that I am not really sure where to begin. Anyway, Gracie is now a GIANT and is crawling everywhere. She will soon be walking too. She recently banged her head and had to have it glued - we'll put a pic of this up here soon. We have just had a few days holiday up at Rainbow beach with all Mummy's side of the family whioch was great. Here's a pic with my cousins Kate and Lara. Dady says we might go back up To Rainbow beach in October when Granny comes over! Probably the most exciting news is the arrival of our first tomato. Mummy and I planted seeds a few months ago and today we spotted a bright red tomato. I am reliably informed it tasted pretty good too. Despite my love of tomato sauce and tomato soup I am not a fan of tomatoes. There are many more pics which I will also post soon and I will try to keep the posts fairly regular ...