Awards all round...
Hello There People, Its Gracie here today. Just a really quick update for you. The BIG news of this week is that Alastair has been chosen to be HOUSE CAPTAIN at school. This is really big news. He had to prepare and deliver a speech to the year 5 and 6 students and teachers convincing them why they should vote for him. He did really well and was offered a choice of Assistant School Captain or House Captain. He chose the latter. We'll have some pics for you when he gets awarded his House Captain badge later in the month. Also, Alastair and I both got our trophy's for Little Athletics this weekend. They were presented by our local State member for Parliament. Here's a couple of pics for you (sorry for the poor quality pics - dad had to zoom in on his phone camera): Finally I just had to share this photo of little Ewan getting his hair cut this week - he's sooooo cute. We'll be back with more news soon. Bye for now Gracie-Girl