
Captain Al

Hi Everyone, Its Ewan here today with a short special report on my big brother Alastair. Last week at his school assembly he was awarded his House Captain badge. He had to make a pledge in front of the school and me and mummy and daddy were there to see it. In fact the only person who missed it was Gracie who was off sick that day! So here's just a quick couple of pics of Alastair at the awards assembly.

Awards all round...

Hello There People, Its Gracie here today. Just a really quick update for you. The BIG news of this week is that Alastair has been chosen to be HOUSE CAPTAIN at school. This is really big news. He had to prepare and deliver a speech to the year 5 and 6 students and teachers convincing them why they should vote for him. He did really well and was offered a choice of Assistant School Captain or House Captain. He chose the latter. We'll have some pics for you when he gets awarded his House Captain badge later in the month. Also, Alastair and I both got our trophy's for Little Athletics this weekend. They were presented by our local State member for Parliament. Here's a couple of pics for you (sorry for the poor quality pics - dad had to zoom in on his phone camera): Finally I just had to share this photo of little Ewan getting his hair cut this week - he's sooooo cute. We'll be back with more news soon. Bye for now Gracie-Girl

Here we go again...

Hi Everyone, Its Ewan today, just giving you a quick update on life here in sunny Brisbane. Last week we went to the beach on the Gold Coast with Mummy for a few days whilst Daddy had to go to work. It was a bit windy some days but we still managed to have a great time. Our cousins were there for the week so we thought it would be nice to go for a few days too. The summer holidays have officially finished this week and its back to school for Alastair and Gracie and I have started at a new Kindy out at Mummy's work at the University. I told her I was pretty smart but still perhaps a little young to go to Uni just yet. Here are some pics of us just before we all left on Monday. Alastair and Daddy have been doing a lot of running recently. They do Parkrun every week, which is a 5km race. Alastair has been doing really well. He has won his age group (11-14) for the past 2 weeks and he is only 11!!!!!! He also got a personal best time last week by nearly 2 minutes s...

Christmas activities

Hi Everyone, its Ewan here today. I thought it was about time we caught up on our news. It has been a bit busy over the past few weeks. We spent Christmas in Warwick. It was really hot but it was good to see Nana. The most important thing (and what i was most worried about) was that Santa managed to find us there. Luckily Gracie wrote to him specifically to tell him that we'd be there, and NOT at home this year. WE left him out some beer, caramel shortbread and a carrot for the reindeer, which they all seemed to appreciate. We got lots of exciting presents for Christmas but the biggest one was a giant inflatable water slide. We have played on it every day since Christmas because its been soooo hot. Mum and dad are terrified every time we got on it because they are sure there will be injuries. 3 crazy kids out of control on a bouncy water slide.... what could possibly go wrong? Between Christmas and new year we all went to the railway museum in Ipswich. I LOVE tra...

Ashes and Airports

Hi Everyone, its Alastair here again today. There's been a slight delay in getting this blog post done as we couldn't get on to the website for some reason. Anyway, all seems sorted now, thank goodness, cause there's so much to tell you. Firstly.... WE WENT TO THE FIRST DAY OF THE ASHES!!!!!! So exciting. It was all very last minute, we didn't even try to buy tickets until the morning of the game but we got great seats at the Gabba. I was supporting Australia. It was good but very different to the cricket I am used to which is the BIG BASH! Its sooooo much slower and they don't play in the rain too! Mum and Gracie went to Townsville this weekend to see Susan and Family. That just left the boys at home to fend for themselves. On Saturday Dad, Ewie and I all went for a short run to get the paper with Caley-dog. Ewan was in the pram and he loved it. I did a bit of the pushing, which was better than having to run with Caley as she is just trouble when she ...

Birthdays? Buses? Take a run and jump!

Hi Everyone, its Alastair here, the original blogger! Another big week in our house to tell you all about. Last weekend we had our Little Athletics carnival. We competed for the Mt Gravatt Little Athletics Team against clubs from the South-East Brisbane area. It was an all-day event starting at 7.30am. Gracie and I both did 5 events, from shot putt to long jump and relay races too. It was at the State Athletics stadium. We were pretty tired by the end of the day but its was good fun. Here's Gracie nailing the long jump.... Here is my attempt... And Gracie putting the shot.... Ewan had a big week this week too as he turned 3. This seems to the first birthday he has had where he has known whats coming and was REALLY excited about it. He got books, trucks, trains and much more. All his favourite things. He had a doubley exciting week as dad took him on a trip on the bus to the shops too. Ewan LOVES buses. All in all another exciting week. Its not lo...

Our Life's a Stage

Hi Everyone, Its all of us this time, Ally, Gracie and Ewan. Bonus!!!!!!!! We have all had such a big week that it takes all 3 of us to tell you about it. Alastair is going to start... This week I had my school music concert. I sang in the choir and I played a couple of songs as part of the senior strings group. I play the cello. Mum and Dad were so impressed with the cello playing - they said it was such a huge improvement on last year and sounded really good. Gracie is up next...... Hi All, I had my end of year dancing show this weekend. It was a huge day. I had to do 2 performances, one at lunchtime and one in the evening. I did 2 dances at each show, 1 jazz and 1 ballet. I dont have any pics of the show (we weren't allowed to take them during the show) but Dad did take one of me with my make up on. Alastair, Ewan, Daddy, Mum and mums cousin Anne all came to watch my concert. Hi Its Ewie here now. On Friday I went with daddy to get some more food for o...