Our Life's a Stage

Hi Everyone,

Its all of us this time, Ally, Gracie and Ewan. Bonus!!!!!!!!

We have all had such a big week that it takes all 3 of us to tell you about it.

Alastair is going to start...

This week I had my school music concert. I sang in the choir and I played a couple of songs as part of the senior strings group. I play the cello. Mum and Dad were so impressed with the cello playing - they said it was such a huge improvement on last year and sounded really good.

Gracie is up next......

Hi All, I had my end of year dancing show this weekend. It was a huge day. I had to do 2 performances, one at lunchtime and one in the evening. I did 2 dances at each show, 1 jazz and 1 ballet. I dont have any pics of the show (we weren't allowed to take them during the show) but Dad did take one of me with my make up on. Alastair, Ewan, Daddy, Mum and mums cousin Anne all came to watch my concert.

Hi Its Ewie here now. On Friday I went with daddy to get some more food for our chickens. At the chicken food shop there was a bird that spoke to me. It said Hello Buddy, How are you going, and see you later buddy. Click on the video below and turn up your volume.....

Finally we just wanted to share a pic of a hot Sunday afternoon. We played on the trampoline and had daddy put the hose on us. That's 3 people on a trampoline at the same time, being sprayed down by water making it all VERY slippery. What could possibly go wrong I hear you ask?


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