
Showing posts from 2008

Wiggles et al

Hello Blog readers, Well another exciting week is over. On Friday i went to see the Wiggles live in concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I wore my Dorothy the Dinosaur hat and looked SOOOO cool. On Friday night we had Jason, Jannelle and the twins over for xmas drinks. The twins and I danced all night and daddy hopes to get the video footage on here or something called You-tube soon. On Saturday i went with M&D to meet friends of theirs and their kids in a park on the north side of the city. It was a great park with a train in it. We also had a little picnic. We are all getting ready for Christmas here and now have some presents under the tree. This week was really hot up to 37 degrees so I had to spend a bit of time in the paddling pool to cool off. Next post wont be til after Xmas so have a great time and I will write again with all the festive news soon. A-Boo

Its all about ....... TREES

Hello, time for an update. Well we have been getting ready for christmas here in Clausen street. Mummy, daddy and I put up our tree this week which was very exciting. There are already a few presents under the tree and I am having to be on my best behaviour to avoid opening them. I have also got something called an advent calendar which means I get to open a little window and get a chocolate every night with my milk. Last weekend we all helped to plant some community trees around our neighbourhood. We planted 250 trees in 1.5 hours. This is to help create more shading in Brisbane or something like that. Today I went to the PCYC christmas disco which was really good fun. I go there every monday for gym class but today they had a bouncy castle and Santa was there too. I didnt want to speak to santa and I cried when mummy too me off the castle to go and speak to him. Also this week, I decided to try on mummy's shirt one night before going to bed. It was a bit lie a nightie on me - ver...

December is here

Hello, You will have to forgive me but for some reason the k key is not working on our computer - I have to use the copy and paste fuction write it twice here so if I mispell anything - thats the reason. So, its nearly christmas and we went into southbank on saturday night for a paddle in the pool and to see the tree in the city centre. We had a picnic at southbank too although it did threaten to rain. We also heard a really really loud band play (but only for a few minutes as it was too loud for me). We also went to see the decorations in the windows of Myers which is the big dept store here in Oz. So, here are some pics of all that. There is a particualrly awful one of daddy in front of the tree with his terrible glasses on! Speak soon. Boo PS - dont think I did too badly with my k's.

news update

Hello again, its me - Boo! Well, news for the past two weeks is as follows (once again the pics seem to have arrived in the wrong order so you'll just have to work out which one is relates to what I am talking about): I went to my friends birthday party the other day. Carter and Xavier are 2, just like me. We ran riot and chased bubbles in their garden. We have just returned from a weekend in Roma which is 5 and a half hours drive west of Brisbane. It was an epic journey. Mum and dad went to the horse races on the saturday, you can see the pic of them all dressed up. Carter, Xavier and myself got pulled around in a buggy and spent a lot of time in the swimming pool which was great fun. There was also a fab moon which we managed to get a picture of it as it was rising. Daddy has been trying to take film footage of me with the camera so i will try to put this on my blog too at some stage. I am not good at sitting still or acting up for this though. bye for now. Boo

news update for this week

Hello, Now I have no idea why the blog machine has put the pictures in this order as it is not what I asked it to do so you'll have to work around the pictures with commentary. Lately I have been "helping" dad remove the wallpaper from the walls of the new house. I think I am actually really good at this and may pursue this as a career. It will be a lot better when I grow a bit and can reach the bits at the top of the walls. Yesterday we went to Redcliffe to see Ann, Peter and cook and book as daddy calls them. We went swimming in the sea and at their pool and mummy managed to get herself burnt. I was fine - as you can see I had my french foreign legion hat on. I have recently moved from the cot into the big boys bed and so we had the ceremonial throwing out of the cot mattress this week - I could resist one more lie down on it though - just for old times sake. The most exciting news is that we have booked our flights to scotland for may next year. Daddy tells me it wil...

New toy for Mummy and Me

Evening all, Today was an exciting day. We all went to Holland Cark Cycles shop and Mummy bought a bike with a seat on the back especially for ME! We took it for a wee spin down the south eastern freeway bike route (although daddy had to walk as he had left his bike at work as he was out bowling or something on Friday afternoon - why you cant bowl and bike, I'll never know?) Anyway, it all went well and afterwards we sat and had some banana which you can see me stuffing into my mouth and we had a little runaround on a football pitch. This morning Dady and I chopped back a whole load of the bushes that are very overgrown in the garden. It looks a lot better and I will take some pics to show you sometime. Bye for now.

I am TWO!

Well Mummy and Daddy say it seems like its been more like 10 years but I officially turned 2 yesterday! I had lots of friends round to our new house and we all caused total chaos - goodness only knows what the new neighbours think of us now. I got some really cool Iggle Piggle PJ's as can be seen in the photo. Mummy made me a penguin cake, although the penguin turned out to be blue (no black food colouring or something crazy like that). I will post some pics of our new house soon - lots of work for daddy to be getting on with if I can get him off the couch! Bye for now.

Yeh, Yeh, Yeh, I know its been a while but the computer has been playing up

Hello, Hello, Hello. It has been a long time I know but its this STUPID computer that has been letting me down. How am I supposed to keep up a blog when every time I try to upload my pics they computer doesnt let me! Anyway, here are some pics of me in my Thomas tent and also one of me dancing in the new house. It was pouring with rain (and has been ever sine daddy installed the solar hot water system - Doh!) so what else is there to do but dance?

Holidays are here

Granny, Jonny and Lisa arrived from the UK on Thursday and on Friday we all headed to North Stradbroke Island for a few days. Here are some pics of me swimming in the Broon Loch (Brown Lake) with daddy, dancing with uncle Jonny, screwing up my face at dodgy breakfast and emerging James Bond style from the ocean. Granny is going to be looking after me all next week while mummy and daddy are at work and Jonny and Lisa are off to Sydney for a few nights. Lots more fun planned before they all head off next wednesday.

Are you cutting my grass?

Got my lawnmower out this weekend and helped dad cut the back lawn. Got it looking nice for Granny and Uncle Jonny coming on Thursday. Looking forward to going to the airport to pick them up. Mum and I had a practice run today when we went to pick up Nana and Papa from their plane back from America. After breakfast on Sunday mum attacked me and gave me a Noogie - so I was forced to Noogie her back.

Future Olympian

Poley (the polar bear) and I attended a teddy bears picnic this week and I took the opportunity to practise my skills for the 2012 London Olympics. Here I can be seen practising my Pole Vault and also sailing. There was very low cloud in Brisbane this week - couldn't see a thing! Me and mum practising the giant shot putt.

Olympic Games News Update

Hello. Time is flying by and its only two and a half weeks until Granny and Uncle Jonny get here. No real news from me - still tidying the garden and scrubing down the deck for their arrival. It is slowly starting to get warmer here in Oz - maybe the winter is coming to an end - although to be honest its not really been cold compared to winter in Inveresk last year, there's not even been a frost! I have been watching the olympics although slightly confused as to who I am meant to be cheering for, Mum says Australia whilst Dad says Britain so instead I have decided to cheer for Jamaica just to shut them both up! Here are some photos of me getting my hair washed at bathtime, eating pancakes whilst watching the olympics and some other general shot of me in the garden . NB. I need my hair cut again before granny gets here. Bye for now. Alastair Boo

What have I been up to this weekend

Hello, well another weekend is nearly over and its been another adventure. With only 4 proper weekends left until granny and jonny visit I got back out into the garden and did some more weeding. I also helped Dad scrub and hose the front and back decks (once we worked out which end of the hose the water comes out of - see photo). Now, some folk say men can't multi task but this photo proves otherwise. Here I am both eating and flapping my arms in time to the music on the radio (one might say I am almost dancing). On Sunday afternoon we took a trip to the seaside. Dad told me that when he was little he used to try to dig his way down to Australia from Arisaig beach so I thought I would try and dig my way up to Scotland. Mums helping me!

What else does one do on a sunday but .....

Apparently 63% of the population wash their cars on a sunday so I thought I should see what all the fuss is about. Whilst cleaning the car I reckoned I could save mum some time this evening by washing my hair too - what do you think of the result.

Its the weekend - woo-hoo

When Granny and Granpa came to visit me in March this year Granny and I spent a considerable amount of time (and effort) in the garden removing all the weeds and generally making the place look nice. Since she went back home the garden has deteriorated badly due to my lack of care despite me promising Granny that I would look after it. So with only 6 weeks until her next visit I reckoned it was time I got back out there and made it look as if I have been putting in the hours since she left. Being the weekend I even managed to drag Dad off the couch and out into the garden too. As a reward for doing so much work in the garden Dad took me to the park. I went on the swings and had a go on the slide. Only girls go down the slide so I decided it was far more manly to try and go UP the slide.

Making cakes

Well, being a Friday, Mummy doesnt go to work and so after swimming in the morning we decided it would make sense to make some cakes. Here are a couple of pictures of me helping in this complicated process. There wasn't many left by the time we took the photo of the cakes!