Wiggles et al
Well another exciting week is over. On Friday i went to see the Wiggles live in concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I wore my Dorothy the Dinosaur hat and looked SOOOO cool.
On Friday night we had Jason, Jannelle and the twins over for xmas drinks. The twins and I danced all night and daddy hopes to get the video footage on here or something called You-tube soon.
We are all getting ready for Christmas here and now have some presents under the tree.
This week was really hot up to 37 degrees so I had to spend a bit of time in the paddling pool to cool off.
Next post wont be til after Xmas so have a great time and I will write again with all the festive news soon.
Next post wont be til after Xmas so have a great time and I will write again with all the festive news soon.