Hey everyone - its Gracie here. Just a quick post to give you update of the last few days. Sunday was pretty exciting....It was Fathers Day here in Oz. Daddy was sooooo lucky. We got him all sorts of exciting gifts like socks and key-rings and chocolates and we all had pancakes for breakfast! In the afternoon we all went to Wellington Point beach for a walk and had ice cream. Life really doesn't get any better! I think Daddy was particularly pleased with this fathers day as he needed cheering up. He's been really grumpy recently as he is unable to run. He has a knee injury apparently so is having a few weeks off to recover. We all cant wait for him to start running again so we can get some peace! Its a normal school week this week (boooooooo) but today we had cross-country running. I came 12th and I am going to leave Alastair to tell you about his race...... Hi, Ally-Boo here. Yes, I had my cross country running race today too. I have been doing a fair bit of runni...
Ok, so we have been waiting for exactly one year and finally it arrived....... MY THIRD BIRTHDAY! Mum and dad say no more terrible two's and I have to get rid of the bottles - more on that in another post. So I had a party yesterday with my friends and we all ate cake etc. You can me and Xavier working out how best to attack the cake with my new pliers in one picture. You can also see just how excited I got whilst opening my pressies. I got a whole lot of farm animals but I didnt really know why until later in the day when Mum and dad got out a present that granny had bought for me.... A FARM YARD. Today my friends Carter and Xavier came round to play again which was great. At gym class everyone sang happy birthday to me. I am about to put another post from todays activities featuring all the news of the diposal of the bottles festival! Bye, Boo.
Hi Everyone, Its Ewan today, just giving you a quick update on life here in sunny Brisbane. Last week we went to the beach on the Gold Coast with Mummy for a few days whilst Daddy had to go to work. It was a bit windy some days but we still managed to have a great time. Our cousins were there for the week so we thought it would be nice to go for a few days too. The summer holidays have officially finished this week and its back to school for Alastair and Gracie and I have started at a new Kindy out at Mummy's work at the University. I told her I was pretty smart but still perhaps a little young to go to Uni just yet. Here are some pics of us just before we all left on Monday. Alastair and Daddy have been doing a lot of running recently. They do Parkrun every week, which is a 5km race. Alastair has been doing really well. He has won his age group (11-14) for the past 2 weeks and he is only 11!!!!!! He also got a personal best time last week by nearly 2 minutes s...