
Showing posts from December, 2008

Wiggles et al

Hello Blog readers, Well another exciting week is over. On Friday i went to see the Wiggles live in concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I wore my Dorothy the Dinosaur hat and looked SOOOO cool. On Friday night we had Jason, Jannelle and the twins over for xmas drinks. The twins and I danced all night and daddy hopes to get the video footage on here or something called You-tube soon. On Saturday i went with M&D to meet friends of theirs and their kids in a park on the north side of the city. It was a great park with a train in it. We also had a little picnic. We are all getting ready for Christmas here and now have some presents under the tree. This week was really hot up to 37 degrees so I had to spend a bit of time in the paddling pool to cool off. Next post wont be til after Xmas so have a great time and I will write again with all the festive news soon. A-Boo

Its all about ....... TREES

Hello, time for an update. Well we have been getting ready for christmas here in Clausen street. Mummy, daddy and I put up our tree this week which was very exciting. There are already a few presents under the tree and I am having to be on my best behaviour to avoid opening them. I have also got something called an advent calendar which means I get to open a little window and get a chocolate every night with my milk. Last weekend we all helped to plant some community trees around our neighbourhood. We planted 250 trees in 1.5 hours. This is to help create more shading in Brisbane or something like that. Today I went to the PCYC christmas disco which was really good fun. I go there every monday for gym class but today they had a bouncy castle and Santa was there too. I didnt want to speak to santa and I cried when mummy too me off the castle to go and speak to him. Also this week, I decided to try on mummy's shirt one night before going to bed. It was a bit lie a nightie on me - ver...