
Showing posts from 2009

Christmas and some sad news

Hi All, Merry Christmas to you all - it is Christmas Day as I write this and we have had a good day. Last night I left Santa out a wee snack of caramel shortbread and a fine english ale (Boddingtons - the cream of Manchester, apparently). Daddy said santa would prefer to that australian beer. I also left a carrot out for the reindeer! I was up at 5.15am this morning and the beer was drunk and shortbread and carrot eaten. It looked as if santa had helped himself to a second one from the fridge as there were 2 empties lying there. We had all presents opened within about 15 mins and then we all wondered what we could do for the rest of the day. After playing with new toys for while we all went to the park. It is a brand new park that has opened near our house (only 3 days old). Daddy broke some sad news to me recently that Amy Callison in Fort William has got herself a boyfriend . Broke my heart. Here is a pic taken as he breaks the news to me. Very sad! Bye for now. Boo

News update........

Hello again people. To be honest its been a slow news week. Not much to report at all. I was doing a little dancing with mummy last weekend - which I am told apparently looks a bit like Riverdance but I can assure you there was no water anywhere near us at the time. Speaking of things Celtic! I was also told that after doing some painting I looked a bit like William Wallace in the Braveheart film. They can take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM! Finally, last night I was appearing in my first stage role as part of the nativity play. As can be seen I was an Angel (like always?). I am just awaitng the reviews in todays press to see how my public enjoyed it. Not long til Christmas!! Bye for now. Boo.

Roll up, roll up - welcome to Boo's Zoo

Hello one and all. Come, follow me on my tricycle and I will lead you all to the wonderful world that is Alastair Boo's Zoo. In here are creatures from all over the wonderful world (well our garden actually). Firstly, let me introduce you to kitty, the friendly cat from next door. Every morning she pays me a visit through the hole in the fence. Look at me still in my pyjamas too! Now the real reason you are here is to see my brand new bug catcher toy. It is the bees knees, so to speak. Although you cant see them I can assure you that in this pot there are about 5 red bugs, 3 ants (and they bite), 1 ladybug and a caterpillar/centipede type creature. Once i have caught them I dont want to let them go but they do keep escaping every time I take my eye of the catcher. I secretly think that daddy lets them all out. Apparently the other bug, whoops I mean BIG news is that daddy has gone and booked our tickets to go back over to Scotland next year. Another 24 hours on the plane - oh no! ...

My 1st ever camping trip

Hello again. Its that time again - the weekly update. So, we went off camping this weekend to Maroochydore on the sunshone coast. The weather was good until saturday night when it rained and rained and all our chairs and table got soaked. Luckily in dried up in time for us to take our tent down dry again before we headed home. We had our tent at a great spot right next to the sea where we could keep an eye out for pelicans. We did lots of swimming in the sea and playing on the beach. On the saturday we went to Underwater world which was great and we saw sharks, seals, huge crabs and other excting creatures. We went down a big glass tunnel where the sharks swam over my head. Bye for now. Boo

trip to warwick

Hello everyone, we all went to warwick last weekend for a few days. Had a great time with the neighbours new puppy which is only about 12 weeks old. We also went for a picnic and had a major expedition into the australian wilderness. Mummy and daddy said I did really well at walking though the jungle and I loved crossing the rivers. I also received a birthday present from the townsville family this week - a pirate outfit! Off camping next weekend - never been before but sounds like fun. bye for now, BOO

Disposal of the bottles ceremony

Hello, 2nd posting of the day. Now with me turning 3 mum and dad have said I am too old to be drinking out of milk bottles so we decided to have a ceremonial dumping of the bottles after my final drink out of them tonight. So, before a worldwide audience of .... well only 3 actually, we got all of the bottles out of the cupboard and put them into a brightly coloured bag. We then took them out into the dark night and along to the bin where we said a little prayer of thanks to them before throwing them in. Tomorrow may be a challenge for mum and dad when I ask for my milk in the morning. May the bottles R.I.P. Boo.

Its been 3 long years of turmoil and trouble....

Ok, so we have been waiting for exactly one year and finally it arrived....... MY THIRD BIRTHDAY! Mum and dad say no more terrible two's and I have to get rid of the bottles - more on that in another post. So I had a party yesterday with my friends and we all ate cake etc. You can me and Xavier working out how best to attack the cake with my new pliers in one picture. You can also see just how excited I got whilst opening my pressies. I got a whole lot of farm animals but I didnt really know why until later in the day when Mum and dad got out a present that granny had bought for me.... A FARM YARD. Today my friends Carter and Xavier came round to play again which was great. At gym class everyone sang happy birthday to me. I am about to put another post from todays activities featuring all the news of the diposal of the bottles festival! Bye, Boo.

2nd post = my first wedding

Hi Again - 2nd posting of the day but I just thought I had to tell you about the wedding that we went to yesterday. It was my first ever wedding and mummy and daddy say that they are not all like this. They said it was more like going to the theatre than a wedding. Anyway, as the pics show there was a lot of dressing up in what I am told are medievil outfits, there was bagpipes and even a swordfight halfway through the ceremony. It was lucky we all got out alive to be honest. Me and mummy did some dancing and we all ate far too much cake. Fun was had by all. Speaking of which, here is a pic from friday where me and mum got our faces painted like Mel Gibson in Bravehneart - would have fitted in well at the wedding! Bye for now. Boo

have you seen me lately?

Hello Blogsite visitors. I have lots to tell so I hope to make this the first of 2 posts today. Last weekend we all went down to the Gold Coast to watch daddy take part in a triathlon which seems to involve swimming, cycling and running. Now daddy is not very good at swimming (poor daddy) and there were some very good swimmers up against him so he was left behind right from the start! He did a little better at the cycling and much better at the running. I have put in a couple of pics to show me and daddy on the beach before the race began, daddys race starting (the swim), daddy running between the swim and bike section and then daddy blitzing passed someone on the final corner of the race.

Trip to the sunshine coast

Hello again. This weekend we went up to the sunshine coast for night with Nana and Papa. We stayed at Alexandra Headline, near the beach. Here are some photos. The first is a good aussie beach shot - lifeguards and all! I did notice a storm approaching in the distance. As granny well knows I do have a bit of talent for storm-spotting. Papa and I did our version of chariots of fire - although I think it was at least 25 degrees warmer than St Andrews beach. Also, did some great climbing on rocks - cant get enough of climbing at the moment. Bye for now. Boo.

gym class in the heatwave

Hi again, Boo here. I thought I'd share some pics of me at gym class on Monday. I go every week with daddy and have great fun. Here are some pics of me doing a roly poly. Monday was really really hot - about 35 degrees and its still officially winter here in Brissie. Dad got the paddling pool out and we both sat in it for ages. Here are a few pics from the occasion. We also went to the beach this weekend, but no pics from there - sorry! Thats it for now. Boo.

quick update

Hello y'all. There have been some complaints coming in about the frequency of my posting on this site! Please be aware that my life isn't that exciting that I have something to tell you every day but I do try to keep you up to date with what I am doing. Also, there have been some rumours going around that I am not actually updating my blog but getting mummy and daddy to do it. So, to show you I have posted a pic of me on the computer updating this blog today! There is also a pic of me in daddys hiking boots, wandering around the house as well as one of me looking like a choir boy. The last pic is of a giant millipede we found in the garden - very exciting! Apart from that life goes on as normal here in Oz. It has been very hot (28 degrees today) and it supposed to be winter still. Bye for now. Boo