Its been 3 long years of turmoil and trouble....
Ok, so we have been waiting for exactly one year and finally it arrived.......

Mum and dad say no more terrible two's and I have to get rid of the bottles - more on that in another post.
So I had a party yesterday with my friends and we all ate cake etc. You can me and Xavier working out how best to attack the cake with my new pliers in one picture.
You can also see just how excited I got whilst opening my pressies. I got a whole lot of farm animals but I didnt really know why until later in the day when Mum and dad got out a present that granny had bought for me.... A FARM YARD.
Today my friends Carter and Xavier came round to play again which was great. At gym class everyone sang happy birthday to me.
I am about to put another post from todays activities featuring all the news of the diposal of the bottles festival!
Bye, Boo.