
Showing posts from 2010

More xmas holiday pics

Hi Guys again (Boo here). Here are some more pics of the past fews days activities. The first is Gracie, who doesnt do much except lie in her cot. Next is my sunflowers that were planted with Granny at the start of November. They are now as tall as Daddy. are the caterpillars that I collect off the sunflowers every day. Yesterday we went to Redcliffe to see Mummy's Cousin and family. We played in the sea and on the beach - look at the results....... .........Never, ever forget to put the sunscreen ALL over your face. I missed the bit under my eyes and now they are very red! Bye for now. Boo

Christmas time again

Hi there everyone and Merry Christmas. We all went to nana and papas house in Warwick for christmas and luckily santa managed to find us there. We left out some fine irish ale and some caramel slice for him along with some carrots for the reindeer. On Christmas day we had loads of presents to open. I got some lego.... and a new bike and lots of other really cool things such as Spiderman (which is what I asked santa for). We were lucky to get back to bridsbane as the day after we got home Warwcik was cut off due to all the floods here in Qld. It is now sunny and hot and Daddy is complaining about the heat (again). More pics coming today too. Bye for now. Boo (and Gracie - she is asleep so I have done all the typing this time).

xmas pics

Here's me waiting in line to see the Big Man -C'mon - hurry UP! Here we are - Told him I want Spiderman for Xmas, even though I have 3 already. Here is me on the xmas train - woo-woo!

Hello Y'all

Hello everyone - its my blog too so I am starting this time. To be honest i dont have much to tell you. my life revolves around feeding, sleeping (sometimes) and making my nappy as smelly as I possibly can. We have been out on some adventures but most of the time I am asleep so I cant really report what happened. Sorry but here's big brother Boo. I am sure he's got news for you all. Oh and take a look at the picture down the page where you can see what I did to him when he really annoyed me one day. He wont do that again. Me Chilling Me post bath. Hello folks, it is I - the Boo-meister. So lots of news and lots of pics. Some will need another post. This post is about me going my friend Dylans party and riding horses. I had to feed them hay which had disasterous results for me. No Gracie girl did not punch me (as she reported earlier) it was an allergy to the Hay - honestly. I loved riding the horses - its a shame about the hay. I will quickly do a new post with my santa visit ...

update on us both

Hello everyone its Alastair here. I would like to introduce you to my little sister Gracie. She will be putting posts on this blog too. To keep things simple I will write in red whilst Gracie will be writing in Green. So Gracie, what you got to say .... Well, I am very very excited. Firstly about my first blogging experience and secondly because this week saw my first ever trip to the beach. We went to see Mummy's cousins family at Redcliffe on Saturday afternoon. As can be seen here they made us some cakes which apparently spell our names, which is pretty cool and I am told they were pretty tasty too, (I am still on the milk!). Yes Gracie, those cakes were mighty fine but have you any other news? Well yes I do, Daddy managed to catch a picture of me smiling -my first official smile ( gotta say it makes a changing from screaming ). Here also is a pic of me with my big brother. He is always wanting to pick me up and cuddle me, even at the most inappropriate times such as when I ...

Hello again

Hello everyone. As usual I must firstly apologize for the infrequency of my ramblings but this time there really has been a lot going on and I havent had a moment to get online. Granny is here at the moment (she leaves today!). She has been here for over 3 weeks which has been great. My little sister was born less than 2 weeks ago on the 21st october. We have called her Grace but she will probably be called Gracie (as thats far cooler). Anyway, not got time to go on and on I just thought you'd like to see the pics of me, granny and Gracie. Bye for now. Boo.

quick update

Hi Y'all. Its been over a month since my last post and there's not much to report. I have been catching up with friends, playing in pools, dismantling houses and celebrating birthdays. Its only 5 weeks until my little brother or sister is due to arrive which is very exciting. My preference for names is Spiderman or The Hulk (boy or girl). Me with Carter and Xavier engrossed in the Gruffalo. Me with my friend Dylan, enjoying ice cream Me and daddy at the South bank pools Daddy removing the sun shades in preparation for our house painting this week. Daddys birthday cake! It is less than 4 weeks until granny comes to visit which means its less than 4 weeks until my birthday too. I am very excited about both of these! See ya soon. Boo.

New toy

Hi everyone, Big news of the week is that daddy put up my trampoline on Saturday. Both sets of grandparents contributed towards the cost of this - so thanks for that (if you're reading). A lot of bouncing has already taken place and luckily it has a side safety net as I would have been off several times already if it wasnt there. Last Sunday Daddy took part in a very long run. It was the Brisbane Marathon. We went down to watch the finish and he is a pic of me with him just before he soaked his feet in the pools at Southbank. Finally here is a pic of me with my friend David (on the left) from Nursery and his his brother Josh. This was taken when both our Mummy's took us to the park. Bye for now. Boo

Trip to Warwick

Hello all, just a quick update for you. We went to Warwick this weekend to see Nana and Papa. There was a big festival on called Jumper and Jazz in July and all of the trees down the main street of Warwick were dressed up in strange looking clothes. There were also lots of bands playing lots of music too. Uncle Bruce and Auntie Alison and Emily and Jamie came down on the Saturday which was great. On Sunday we went down to the park for the final day of the festival. There were all sorts of things happening and I won a water pistol and a racing car at one of the fairground stands. Daddy bought tablet from the Scottish stall which was yummy! Mummy and Daddy forgot to bring the camera with them this weekend (DOH!) but luckily Bruce was able to use his phone to take a pic of me with my cousins and the next door dogs at Warwick. Bye for now. Boo. PS - Just a word of warning from Daddy - he says that it shouldn't be too long now until the name of this blog changes to accommodate the new ...

We had a smashing time..

Hi everyone. Its been a cold couple of weeks here. Down to about 7 degrees at nights and up to only 17 during the day....brrrr! So what have we been doing to keep warm? Well, Daddy and I have knocked down the huge big wall at the top of the garden with a big hammer. It didnt take long to knock down but it did take a while to put all the blocks into a skip mainly because the wheelbarrow would only hold 2 at a time without collapsing. Before we moved them I decided to try and conquer Mt Block......successfully! So, it is currently the school holidays here in Oz, this means that there is no fun things like gym class or swimming happening. So on Monday daddy decided that he'd take me to meet some of his friends children in a park. This is me with Evie and Patrick about to go down the slide. It may be cold but I still like my feet BARE! After that we had a picnic , ran around like crazy, build sandcastles on the beach and then headed home - knackered! Be back with some more gossip very...

new adventures

Hello everybody. Over the past week we have had some excitement here. Last Monday everyone was on holiday as it was the Queens birthday so we all went up to O'Reilly's which is a resort in the rainforest on top of a hill. We just went for a picnic and a walk through the jungle. I walked along a really high tree-top rope bridge which was great. The really, really high rope bridge in the sky! (Hey I'm a poet). We also went exploring and came across some strange statues in the jungle, I tried to do a good impression of the man in this one! Copying statues Exploring the Jungle Mummy and me went to see Disney on Ice at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. There we saw, Mickey, Donald, Buzz Lightyear, the Incredibles and a whole lot more. Okay, thats it for now, unless you havent heard the news about me getting a new brother or sister is a few months time! I am sure you have ALL heard that news? Bye, Boo

Scotland Trip

Hello and greetings from Oz. Just back in the door at 1.30am this morning following our 3 week trip to Scotland. We managed to see most of the friends and relatives whilst there and its great to catch up with my cousins again. we were lucky to get there at all as a nasty volcano had closed all of the UK airports and they only re-opened about 48 hours before we left Brisbane. I spent a lot of time at grannies who spoilt me rotten by buying me all sorts of spiderman goodies. We also went up to see Jonny and Lisa for a few days up in the Highlands. Whilst there we went up a big mountain on a gondola to see some snow which was far cold for my liking so we went to the cafe on the hillside instead. On the gondola heading up the mountain (hat on, prepared for the cold) Mummy and I then went to Sweden for a couple of nights to see Stephen, Zeyno and my cousin Lara. We were very lucky to get back to Scotland as the volcano had closed all of the airports (again) and we were on the first flight ...

Easter time

Hi yet again, It's been Easter time since we last spoke and we went over to Warwick for the weekend with my cousins Emily and Jamie. Once again I got my face painted - yes, again as Spiderman (its a slight obsession). We had easter egg hunts on Sunday and I managed to find 14 chocolate eggs in Nana and Papas garden which was pretty good as their garden is very big and there were lots of places for the easter bunny to hide them. We had a picnic down by the river too and we saw a big snake which tried to bite the dog we were looking after for the week (Bonnie - who belongs to Jason and Janelle). Luckily it missed her! Anyway, its now only 5 and a bit sleeps until we get on the big plane to Scotland - that is if the darned volcano in Iceland lets us into Europe. We stop for a night in Dubai this time which will hopefully help with the jetlag! Bye for now and see the scottish amongst you soon. Boo