Christmas time again
Hi there everyone and Merry Christmas.
We all went to nana and papas house in Warwick for christmas and luckily santa managed to find us there. We left out some fine irish ale and some caramel slice for him along with some carrots for the reindeer.
On Christmas day we had loads of presents to open.
I got some lego....
We all went to nana and papas house in Warwick for christmas and luckily santa managed to find us there. We left out some fine irish ale and some caramel slice for him along with some carrots for the reindeer.
On Christmas day we had loads of presents to open.
I got some lego....
and a new bike and lots of other really cool things such as Spiderman (which is what I asked santa for).
We were lucky to get back to bridsbane as the day after we got home Warwcik was cut off due to all the floods here in Qld. It is now sunny and hot and Daddy is complaining about the heat (again).
More pics coming today too.
Bye for now.
Boo (and Gracie - she is asleep so I have done all the typing this time).