Party at the water park
Hi again. I am sorry its been so long between updates but we have not really been doing anything worth reporting lately. Mummy and Daddy are always busy out at bathroom and kitchens shops every weekend (as we are having them both done up) so its no fun being dragged around after them. What? Not another bathroom shop daddy, please! Hooray, we're going to a party instead! Anyway, this weekend we went to a 1st birthday party at a water park. It was Brill! Mummy, daddy and me had already been swimming in the morning and I have finally got the hang of putting my head under the water and now they are complaining as I never want to get out of the pool. Dancing for joy at the water park. Up to my neck in it again. So, there you go. One day we will post some pics of the bathroom transformation. Its a struggle not having a shower or bath. We have to go swimming more often instead. Bye for now. Boo