Happy New Year to one and all.
Hello everybody and Happy New Year to you all. We have recently returned from our epic trip up north to Townsville where Mummys sister and family live. It took 2 full days to drive there and daddy cannot understand how you can drive for a solid 2 days and still be in the same State you were in when you started (i.e. Queensland).

We camped one night at the town of 1770 which is apprently the first place that Captain Cook came ashore in Queensland. That night we went hunting for crabs and we found hundreds of them but one bit my foot.
When we got to Townsville it rained - A LOT. In fact new years eve was the wettest ever 24 hours in Townsville since records began. So me and my cousin Kate did a bit of singing and also went bowling which was good fun.
We also went to the North Qld museum which was brill and I managed to get mummys head on a platter.
Anyway, I will try and get a video on here for you soon so you can hear my wonderful singing.
Bye for now
Awesome pic of your head on a plate Jenny =)