
Showing posts from September, 2017

The week that was....

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone, Its Gracie here....... We have had a great week. We have spent a LOT of time with Granny, I am sure she's probably sick of all 3 of us by now. Mum and Dad worked as usual this week and Granny did the school holiday child-minding. This is a VERY hot weekend, it feels like summer, not spring. Its forecast to get up to 35 degrees, whatever that means. Today (to avoid the heat) we headed down the coast to the beach very early. It was so quiet on the beach and we had a great time walking down the beach, playing in the water and climbing on the rocks. Late this afternoon we all went for a walk in Toohey Forest with Granny and Daddy so that mum could get some work done. We saw some huge lizards on the walk, you can see one on the tree on the photo below. Who knows what adventures tomorrow will bring! Bye for now. Gracie-girl

GRANNY'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone, Great News! Granny has arrived in Oz. All the way from Scotland for 3 weeks! And the school holidays have just started too, talk about good timing! We (Gracie and Alastair) went to the airport with Dad at 1 o'çlock in the morning on Tuesday night to pick Granny up.We had been monitoring her trip all the way from Scotland using the website and we set off from home just as we knew the plane was coming into Brisbane.  It was great because the airport was sooooo quiet at that time of night. Granny got through customs really quickly so we were all home and back into our beds by 2am. We had school on the Wednesday so were pretty tired all day. Granny bought us all some great presents from Scotland. Our holidays began on Friday. We aren't going away but will do some day trip with Granny instead, probably to the beach a few times. On Saturday we all went for a walk up Mt Gravatt. Granny always like to go up there at least once when she is h...

Little Athletics

Hi All, There's a thing in Australia called Little Athletics. Its been around for years and years, in fact so long that even Mum used to take part in Little A's and she's ancient! Anyway, Gracie and I go to Mt Gravatt Little A's every Saturday. We get to take part in all sorts of athletics events such running, hurdles, shot putt, discuss, triple jump etc etc. As you get older you get to do more events. Gracie currently doesn't get to do triple jump or any running races further than 200m. When he is older Ewan will get to join too but the youngest group is under 6's. He has a while to wait. Anyway, last night we weren't at the usual sports field but were at the Queensland Athletics Stadium. It was only the warm up track but was pretty cool anyway. Ewan actually came with us and had a little go at long jump and running round the newly laid blue track. He loved it. It was very windy so pretty cold but he didnt seem to mind and soon had his socks ...

Fathers Day and Running FAST!

Hey everyone - its Gracie here. Just a quick post to give you update of the last few days. Sunday was pretty exciting....It was Fathers Day here in Oz. Daddy was sooooo lucky. We got him all sorts of exciting gifts like socks and key-rings and chocolates and we all had pancakes for breakfast! In the afternoon we all went to Wellington Point beach for a walk and had ice cream. Life really doesn't get any better! I think Daddy was particularly pleased with this fathers day as he needed cheering up. He's been really grumpy recently as he is unable to run. He has a knee injury apparently so is having a few weeks off to recover. We all cant wait for him to start running again so we can get some peace! Its a normal school week this week (boooooooo) but today we had cross-country running. I came 12th and I am going to leave Alastair to tell you about his race...... Hi, Ally-Boo here. Yes, I had my cross country running race today too. I have been doing a fair bit of runni...