GRANNY'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,

Great News! Granny has arrived in Oz. All the way from Scotland for 3 weeks! And the school holidays have just started too, talk about good timing!

We (Gracie and Alastair) went to the airport with Dad at 1 o'çlock in the morning on Tuesday night to pick Granny up.We had been monitoring her trip all the way from Scotland using the website and we set off from home just as we knew the plane was coming into Brisbane.  It was great because the airport was sooooo quiet at that time of night. Granny got through customs really quickly so we were all home and back into our beds by 2am.

We had school on the Wednesday so were pretty tired all day. Granny bought us all some great presents from Scotland. Our holidays began on Friday. We aren't going away but will do some day trip with Granny instead, probably to the beach a few times.

On Saturday we all went for a walk up Mt Gravatt. Granny always like to go up there at least once when she is here. This time though we drove to the other side of the mountain and walked up from there - just for a change of scene, dad says. Ewan did really well to walk the whole way by himself but he did need some help getting up some of the really big steps.

Thats all for now. Will keep you informed of what we do for the rest of the week.

Bye for now

Alastair and Gracie-Girl


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